zaterdag 3 januari 2015

The Space Heroes Shut down!

Hey hero, I'm glad your reading this.
Space heroes is gonna shut down.
I'm really depressed to hear this.
Read this:
It was great to meet you. You can't see me more.
Maybe in Club penguin. But not on Space Heroes. Bye.
- ( not more ) Ace Galactic

vrijdag 14 november 2014

I quit SHU.. Maybe..!

Sorry guys, but the title there up is not an joke... But maybe I could quit SHU and delete this blog, or give this blog to someone els. So the reason?? Um, honestly Space Heroes is getting empty!
All the moderators quit SHU, almost all my friends quit SHU... Honestly, Space Heroes is getting kinda bored.. :/ And no one even reads my blog, so there's a big chance I quit...

woensdag 12 november 2014

Brandon AKA Justice Claw LEAVES SHU!

Bad news guys...
Brandon AKA Justice Claw just LEAVED Space Heroes! D:
He said he had no time more for Space Heroes.....
More information/ Brandon's note:
-Ace Galactic ( WITH TEARS! )-

zondag 9 november 2014

Weird feeling...

Hey guys, so this post is not a official 'Space heroes post', sorry. I just wanted to know some thing. So I am very happy my blog got views from many countries, but I have a feeling no one is viewing my blog, but they say I have like 100 views, but there's no comments, and people who ask if they can become author. Feel free to ask stuff and comment stuff! For the test, who ever reads this, please comment below: TEST TEST TEST!!!!
Thanks --Ace Galactic--

woensdag 5 november 2014


Hey guys... You guys also knew few months ago, the Moderators are just not getting active any more since Nixi and Ari are gone! It's like there on a loooonggg vacation  An FOREVER VACATION! :(
So i decided to make a project that's called...
What were going to do?
Well, very simple:
Were just gonna keep going to invite all people over this project.
And we keep making like banners, blog posts, and that sort stuff...
Later, maybe the Moderators would see this and think about it.
Please share, PLEASEEEEEE
-Ace Galactic-

dinsdag 4 november 2014

Sorry heroes, Space Heroes could not find the universe!

Hey guys... So i was going on SHU, and i just logged in and it started to load... And before i may chose the server, this error just popped in front of my nose!

I clicked the X icon, but than this image came out.....

Hope they would fix this problem :/
--Ace G.---

zondag 2 november 2014

Please stop with asking logins!

Ok, guys this problem is really going HORRIBLY wrong.
So this problem from ''Asking logins'' Is mostly happening to GIRLS ( So don't pee in your pants, boys! ), and they try to get logins by LYING ( Not cool! ) that they have a sister that wants a girl member login, but guys, if you have a sister, why don't you share your own login with your sister? I mean, there can't be some thing gone wrong if your sister get's on your login!
And, I don't get why girl MEMBERS ask girl members logins, i mean they already HAVE a girl login!
These two girls asked my login/Said that there sister wants a login:
Winter cat ( The free player )
Golden Firefly